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Our Signature Programs and Initiatives

Select an initiative below to view specific programs.


Our Leadership Institute programming encompasses a wide range of audiences throughout the Greater Philadelphia area and is aimed at improving interfaith literacy and understanding among diverse populations.
We offer religious accommodation seminars for business professionals, training workshops for individuals who wish to become better interfaith facilitators in their communities, and open houses for members of the public to visit faith communities across the region, among many other opportunities for people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds.


The Walking the Walk Youth Initiative is a nationally-recognized initiative that provides teenagers with experiences, skills, and resources necessary to live in a diverse world, deepen their own identities, and break through walls that distance and divide them from people of other religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds.
Field-tested in urban and suburban settings with schools and congregations of many faiths, the
Walking the Walk Youth Initiative features an innovative curriculum designed by a multi-faith professional team with expertise in youth development, service-learning, and systems change.


Our work with congregations, schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces celebrates the diversity of Philadelphia and demonstrates the vibrancy of a religiously diverse democracy. In response to recent acts of hate that have occurred both in Philadelphia and throughout the country, and with generous seed funding from Pew Charitable Trusts, Interfaith Philadelphia has launched the Dare to Understand Public Arts Initiative.
In partnership with Mural Arts Philadelphia, Interfaith Philadelphia will create a mural series engaging various creative perspectives on what it means to dare to understand.


The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia was founded in Spring 2006 to build relationships of mutual support, offer a moral and spiritual voice in the region, and identify issues of concern for dialogue and action.
Co-convened by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Rabbi David Straus, Imam Anwar Muhaimin, and Bishop Claire Schenot Burkat, the Council is the first of its kind in the city, with more than 30 member communities, representing more than two million people of diverse faith traditions from across the greater Philadelphia region

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