Foundations of Interfaith Leadership LIVE: An Innovative Approach to Interfaith Leadership
October 5, 2023
Bringing Women Together to Build Bridges
December 8, 2023
We are thrilled to announce the appointment of five new Board Members. Imam Quaiser Abdullah, Ph.D., expressed our honor in welcoming these distinguished individuals. “Their invaluable skills and diverse perspectives will undoubtedly contribute significantly to our efforts in charting a strategic direction and propelling us forward,” he said. “These individuals will make a significant contribution to our organization with their expertise from across the public, private and nonprofit sectors,” said Abby Stamelman Hocky, Executive Director of Interfaith Philadelphia.
The new members of Interfaith Philadelphia’s Board of Directors are:
Ed Beckett – Ed Beckett promotes understanding through his work in the education sector. Beckett uses his vast experience to serve the Gesu School, an independent Pre-K through 8th Catholic school in North Philadelphia. He aids the Gesu School’s President and Board through his role as Vice President for Mission, Identity, and Inclusion. Beckett’s leadership reveals his desire for interfaith cooperation and collaboration.
Kelly McClure, Ph.D. – Kelly McClure, Ph.D., integrates multicultural understanding and psychology in every space she occupies. Before opening her private practice in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, McClure educated students as a Professor of Psychology at La Salle University. As a clinical psychologist, she aids teens and adults as they cope with medical issues, social problem-solving, stress, anxiety, depression, and life transitions. McClure’s profession, as well as her Roman Catholic faith, motivates her to provide aid for members of Philadelphia’s religiously diverse community.
Jonathan Shahar – Jonathan Shahar, a Philadelphia native, joined Raju LLP as an associate after his graduation from Temple University Beasley School of Law in 2021. His practice allows him to represent and advise various banks, loan servicers, and additional clients. Jonathan practices his faith through involvement in many Jewish organizations, and he champions the intersection of religious diversity and the public sector.
Kate Sookhoo – Kate Sookhoo, an attorney at Astor Weiss Kaplan & Mandel, LLP, positions her faith tradition as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in line with her work in family law. As the Leadership Development Chair for the J. Reuben Clark Law Society, Sookhoo’s professional experience and faith draw on one another. Sookhoo’s previous board experience in many different sectors aptly prepared her for her role on Interfaith Philadelphia’s board. Sookhoo’s diverse experience and perspective permeates her involvement in every arena.
Stephanie Wong, Ph.D. – Stephanie Wong, Ph.D., advances inter-religious dialogue in the education sector as an Assistant Professor in Villanova University’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Beyond academia, Wong uses her knowledge of Catholic, Buddhist, Daoist, and Confucian traditions to serve the international “Women Building a Culture of Encounter Inter-religiously” network within the Vatican’s Dicastery of Interreligious Relations. Her position on Interfaith Philadelphia’s board will allow Wong to promote inter-religious understanding in hopes of a more compassionate and just society.