Jonathan Shahar
November 19, 2023
Ejaz Sabir
November 17, 2023Mikal currently serves as an Imam at Masjidullah, the Assistant Northeast Regional/Section Convener of Imams of Masajid in the Association of the late and great Imam W. Deen Mohammed, an Interfaith Philadelphia Board Member and, after retirement from EPA, a Physics and Chemistry teacher at the New African Online School. During his tenure in Al-Islam, he has served in a variety of capacities including an Account Manager/Bookkeeper for a National Islamic Weekly Newspaper, a Math, Chemistry and Biology instructor at the University of Islam, the Director of Adult Education at the Philadelphia Masjid and Cultural Development Chairman and Convener for the Family Nights of Music. At Masjidullah, he has served on various committees, and as an Arabic Instructor, Director of the Islamic Studies Institute, Masjid Administrator, Director of Masjidullah’s Men’s Association Training and Development Program, an Organizational Development Consultant, Recognition and Appreciation Benefits Banquet (RABB) Chairman, Executive Committee Chairman, Special Projects Chairman, Family Life Conference Chairman, Governmental Infrastructure Commission Chairman, an Islamic Studies Instructor at Masjidullah’s Madressatul Islamiyyah, Masjidullah Chief of Staff, Assistant Resident Imam and Resident Imam.
Outside of his Masjid activities, Mikal had worked as an Environmental Engineer, the Regional Toxic Release Inventory Coordinator, a Program Analyst, an On-Scene Coordinator, the Chemical Accident Prevention Programs Team Leader, the Regional Emergency Rapid Response Support Project Officer/Emergency Planner which involved daily management of a $165 million contract for biological, nuclear, chemical and oil spill emergency responses and disaster preparation and homeland security programs, as a Senior Enforcement Officer/Inspector and as a Project Officer for Remedial Action Contracts for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mid-Atlantic Region. He has received a Gold Medal for Excellence in Government Service, seven Bronze Medals for Commendable Service, the highest award offered at the Regional level, and two Special Achievement Awards for Outstanding Performance from the EPA.
Prior to joining EPA, Mikal served as a Process Engineer and Operations Trainer with ARCO Petroleum Products Company where he provided regular unit surveillance, solved non-routine operating problems, conducted energy conservation and corrosion control projects, optimized process unit operations and provided supervision for special unit turnaround situations. He trained veteran and new employees on Refining Fundamentals, new operating and computer control equipment, edited, revised, developed, authored and coauthored various training and operating manuals. He also served as a trainer for the Refinery’s Quality Improvement Program (QIP) where he trained foremen, supervisors, and managers on QIP principles. Mikal was a steering committee member of ARCO’s Civic Action Program where he served on the Political Action Subcommittee. Also, as part of his Community Involvement, he served as Chairman for two non-profit organizations, the Marcus Foster Educational & Cultural Center and the Stenton Park Advisory Council.
Mikal has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University where he has also done graduate course work in Polymer Chemistry, Engineering Geology, Hydrology, and Groundwater Hydrogeology. He is a student of various Islamic scholars, a graduate of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University’s Intensive Shariah Workshop from the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Sciences in America, a graduate of the U.S Army’s Primary Leadership Development and Officer’s Basic Courses, and a graduate the U.S. EPA’s Greater Leadership Opportunity and Executive Leadership Programs. He has served a both a non-commissioned and commissioned U.S. Army Reserve Officer and has received several Army Achievement and Commendation medals and a veteran of Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Captain Mikal Shabazz retired from the military as a Medical Service Corp Officer in Special Forces of the US Army’s Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command.
Mikal, along with his beloved and multi-talented late wife, Taiyibah Shabazz, have foster parented 14 children, four of which they adopted and four of which were unaccompanied orphan refugees from Africa. He and his brilliant and beautiful wife, Shirley Jones-Shakur, both former widows, have over 67 years of combined marriage experience and are parents of six children and currently grandparents of seven. Mikal’s hobbies include line-dancing, listening to and playing music, where he serves as an amateur reed instrument player, which includes baritone, tenor alto and soprano saxophones, flute and clarinet, and has played with big bands and small ensembles for over forty years.