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Sharon Parker


Sharon Parker is currently Parish Care Associate at Overbrook Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, having previously enjoyed thirty-two years in public education and two calls to global mission teaching.  A career educator and lifelong learner, Sharon served as a teacher, principal, Director of Curriculum, and Superintendent of Schools in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District, and as Superintendent of  Schools in the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District.


Following her retirement from public education in 2011, Sharon was commissioned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to serve as a seminary instructor in Lae, Papua New Guinea.  She continued in global mission service as a seminary instructor in Kalaymyo, Myanmar under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church-USA .  Sharon is grateful for the education she has received at Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Widener University, and remains an active student.   Currently, she is studying spiritual direction at Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.


Sharon lives in Center City, Philadelphia, and delights in her roles as a mother and grandmother.

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