Offering Support, Resources and Navigating Conversations in Time of Conflict
December 14, 2023
Religious Leaders Council Holds Interfaith Prayer Service for Mayor Parker
March 22, 2024By Marilyn Berberich
For over fifteen years, the Quest Discussion Group has gathered monthly to explore faith traditions and topics of spirituality. As a first-generation Quest participant, I began this interfaith journey at a Borders Bookstore in Chestnut Hill. Our kickoff selection was Karen Armstrong’s book The Spiral Staircase. It was a fascinating read and an even more fascinating conversation. I left with new and unexpected perspectives. My interest was piqued; I was eager to see where our next book would take us!
As the calendar flipped from one year to the next, the Quest readings included fiction and nonfiction as well as time-honored and recently published books. The books informed, inspired, and often surprised us. They also sparked questions and comments that participants were eager to bring to monthly discussions. Although many of the books we read would have been wonderful to read independently, the text was even more engaging through the interfaith dialogue.
Over the years, Quest changed locations several times moving from one bookstore to another until finally settling in at the Baha’i Center of Philadelphia, a cozy and welcoming spot to meet. And then the pandemic hit in 2020. Like many groups, Quest had to figure out how to make Zoom meetings work.
The Quest Discussion Group is the new iteration of this interfaith experience. Anyone looking for a way to engage in the five Passport to Understanding themes need look no further. Are you curious? Would you like to venture out? The Question Discussion Group is eager to welcome in new members. As well, the time together provides participants with opportunities to stand tall and stand with.
Some important details to know are:
- Meetings are on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., on Zoom.
- Meetings are throughout the year from September to May.
- Conversation resources include videos, podcasts, articles, and books (often discussed over several months) to keep the time commitment in line with busy schedules.
Won’t you think about becoming a Quest Discussion participant?!
For more information, contact Marilyn Berberich at [email protected].