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Mindfulness Through Movement Inc.

This program functions at various locations


 104 S. Wayne Ave., #28   Wayne, PA 19087


Cheryl Nichols, Vice-President of the Board

(610) -212-1038




Mindfulness Through Movement offers mindfulness and yoga programs taught by certified instructors to children in thirteen underserved schools in Philadelphia. Students learn simple breath and movement practices, an important set of self-empowerment tools, to help them manage the stress of living in an urban setting.  The program creates peace and confidence within each child, readying them in mind, body, and spirit for learning in the classroom and leadership among their peers, families, and neighborhoods. The children gain life-skills, self-understanding, and the means to cope with conflict and temptations in school and beyond. They learn how to calm themselves and feel better when in conflict or pain. They grow in respect for themselves, one another, and their teachers. The teachers have a reverence for their task, love for their students, and gratitude for the privilege of being part of an initiative that transforms students’ lives and their own. In each setting, teachers build relationships with the schools they serve. Mindfulness through Movement is integrated into culture of each school and, in some cases, into the curriculum and classroom practice of the faculty.


Mindfulness Through Movement Program Participating Schools 2015-16 School Year: Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter Middle, Christo Rey Philadelphia High, Cornerstone Christian Academy, Gesu, KIPP Philadelphia Charter School, LaSalle Academy, Overbrook Educational Center, St. Cyril of Alexandria, St. Helena Incarnation, St Martin de Porres, St. Martin of Tours, St. Rose of Lima, St Thomas Aquinas


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