Historic Jones Tabernacle AME Church
2021 West Diamond Street
Philadelphia, PA 19121
Pastor Terrence Hensford
(215) -236-3028
Historic Jones Tabernacle A.M.E. Church traces its history to 1930 and has been a vital part of its North Philadelphia neighborhood from then until now. This is a congregation whose members give willingly of their talents and expertise, and people in need from all backgrounds know they can turn to Jones Tabernacle and receive resources and referrals along with care and compassion. Through worship, fellowship, and Bible Study, the congregation receives blessings and strength from God that are then taken to the streets where everyone is treated like family: everyone is treated with dignity, appreciated for their gifts, and cared for when life becomes a challenge. The members and partners of the Historic Jones Tabernacle AME Church are addressing the root causes of violence as they accompany one another.
The congregation provides food and clothing for those in need, provides stable relationships for people incarcerated and the families from whom they are separated, offers compassion for those who have lost loved ones to gun violence while advocating for common sense gun control, conducts voter registration drives and voter education clinics, sends health kits to Africa for children with Sickle Cell Anemia, hosts information sessions and workshops offered by social service and government agencies, fosters enthusiasm for education, and more.
Dr. Burnett’s experience as a medical doctor, professor, administrator, and project leader at the denominational level is paired with strong lay leadership to keep many programs going while making sure that the individuals who attend those programs are paired with members who can be most helpful moving forward. One to one relationships are the foundation of the congregation’s peace-making efforts.
People who feel welcomed into community and have the stressors in their lives relieved are less likely to be violent at home and in the streets than those who feel isolated and too weak to cope with life’s challenges. By welcoming in and reaching out beyond its own building and membership, Jones Tabernacle functions as a beacon of peace and hope in a community where many live in fear and suffer the consequences of poverty.