Interfaith Gatherings that Work
Together in Times of Crisis and Celebration
In times of crisis and celebration, opportunities for multi-faith prayer and worship draw us together. How are prayer and worship seasoned with sensitivity to the religious traditions involved, and to the moment at hand?
The Interfaith Center invites members of Ministeriums and Multi-Faith Councils from the greater Philadelphia area for a gathering to explore this topic. Drawing on the thinking and experience of the Religious Leaders Council, we will explore the questions and considerations that arise in the planning and offering of multi-faith prayer and worship.
When: Thursday, April 19 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm*
Where: The Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia, Oxford Mills
100 W. Oxford Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
*Optional Networking Lunch, 12:00 – 1:00 pm (with suggested $15 donation) | Registration Required