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Started in the summer of 2020, the Dialogue: Face-to-Face series has brought free and thought-provoking interfaith conversations to hundreds of people.  Each Dialogue consists of two or more panelists discussing questions around a common theme, followed by live Q&A from participants.


All Dialogues are available at no cost but with a suggested donation of $10 per Dialogue.  Your donation helps us to make these and many other programs available to the public throughout the year, and we appreciate your support!


And don't forget you can always watch past Dialogues and learn more about other upcoming events at Interfaith Philadelphia!

Questions? Contact Dominique Farray:

Recent Programs

Spiritual Urgency: Mobilizing Faith Against Violence in the Here & Now

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

12:00 - 12:45 pm

Can religious teachings on human value and maintaining hope stem the national tide of violence and despair?


In what ways should spiritual communities feel compelled to confront racism and injustice? 


How can the diverse faith communities of Philadelphia come together to end violence, support the youth, and heal trauma?​


Chantay Love and Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein discuss these questions and more!  Please join us by Zoom or Facebook Live for this guided conversation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

Chantay Love

Chantay Love is the Co-Founder and President of the EMIR (Every Murder is Real) Healing Center in Philadelphia, which provides holistic and trauma-informed to support individuals, families, and
communities affected by murder.

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein.png

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein is a spiritual leader, community organizer, and artist based in Northwest Philadelphia. As part of her commitment to ending
racism, she actively supports local leaders who are
women of color.

Conviction and Restraint: Religious Conduct in the Public Sphere

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

12:00 - 12:45 pm

What principles ought to guide the behavior of citizens of faith within public spaces?

Should those principles have the force of law?

Are public schools a special case?


Ian MacMullen, Ph.D. and Tabassum Haleem discuss these questions and more!  Please join us by Zoom or Facebook Live for this guided conversation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

Ian MacMullen

Ian MacMullen, Ph.D. is a political theorist currently affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania's SNF Paideia program for educating the whole person. His primary research and teaching interests lie in the politics of education, citizenship, and/or religious and cultural pluralism. Author of two books, Ian’s articles have been published in leading journals including the Journal of Political Philosophy, Journal of Politics, Theory and Research in Education, and Journal of Social Philosophy.


Tabassum Haleem is the Director of Finance at the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce (NACC), which promotes economic growth and advocacy in and around the Naperville area. She serves the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the Board of LGC’s Leadership Fellows Association, the Aspen Institute Religion & Society Program and has served as the former Executive Director of Islamic Networks Group as well as with the Board of Trustees for the Naperville Education Foundation, DuPage United, and the Advisory Committee for the Naperville Chamber of Commerce-Green Leadership Council.

(D/R)econstructing Scripture: Sacred Text in the Fight for Progress

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

6:00 - 6:45 pm

In what ways have holy writings created or perpetuated systems of supremacy and intolerance?

To what extent should faith communities strive to make their scriptures more inclusive?

Where can religious traditions find the inspiration to confront racism and generate peace–both in and beyond their respective canons?


Danny L. Thomas and Rabbi David Straus discuss these questions and more!  Please join us by Zoom or Facebook Live for this guided conversation followed by an opportunity for Q&A.

Danny Thomas

Danny L. Thomas  is the Executive Director of The Peace Center, committed to Justice and Peace. His primary focus is reconciliation and bridge building, especially around the issues of racial, economic, and educational disparity.  Prior to The Peace Center, Danny served several communities in New Jersey as a pastor as well as the regional hospital in Jinja, Uganda and the Delaware Valley chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution.

Rabi David Straus

Rabbi David Straus is the Senior Rabbi at Main Line Reform Temple. He is a past president of the VAAD: The Philadelphia Board of Rabbis and served on the Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Community Relations Council. He co-convenes the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia and the chair of the National Council of Synagogues, meeting regularly with members of the US Catholic Conference of Bishops, National Council of Churches, and the Evangelical Community, among other local engagement and congregational involvement.

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