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Arab-American Development Corporation
1501 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19122


Contact: Marwan Kreidie, Executive Director

Phone- (215) 765-0607



Philadelphia Arab-American Community Development Corporation (PAACDC) was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 1997. The organization’s mission is to preserve the Arabic culture and language, to empower the Arab American community and promote its economic development, and to combat racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination. The PAACDC works to serve the complex needs of the estimated 25,000 to 30,000 Arabs Americans living in the five-county area. It fosters connections between various groups of Arab immigrants by providing: 

-Social networking 

-food drives

-Health Workshops/Fairs
-Youth Programs
-Low Income Utility Assistance (CAP, CRP, LIHEAP)
-Help with Tax Returns
-Government Benefits (Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, TANF)
-Translation Services
-Immigration and Legal Services
-Assistance to Iraqi & Syrian refugees
-Affordable Housing


Although they are not officially connected, the PAACDC shares a building with the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society’s Mosque. 


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